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推荐人: 来源: 阅读: 1.16W 次

Made a wrong turn,Once or twice 不止一次,我误入歧途


Dug my way out,Blood and fire为了生存,血流不止

Bad decisions,That's alright那些愚蠢的决定,已无所谓

Welcome to my silly life 欢迎光临我糜烂的生活

Mistreated misplaced,Misunderstood 虐待,欺骗,误解,如影随形

Miss "No way,it's all good" It didnt slow me down.怀念“不行,还好”这样的话,但并未减缓我的'步伐

Mistaken,Always second guessing,Underestimaten误解,反复的猜疑与轻蔑伴随着我

Look,I'm still around看,我依然站在你面前

Pretty, pretty,please 女孩,女孩,求求你

Dont you ever ever feel 难道你总觉得

Like you're less than Fucking perfect觉得你还不够那么的完美吗

Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,别这样

If you ever, ever feel如果你会觉得

Like you're nothing觉得你一无是处

You're fucking perfect to me在我眼里,你就真的是最完美的